The day is here!

derryX knows you all have cable with DVR so please tune in, one way or another.

I may or may not know this person…

derryX plugs one of Krist Gustfson’s ARA posts…

Creepshow DVD Giveaway

You get to pick the winner!


derryX humbles himself…

The Exit 6 Clusterf*ck

derryX actually does something with a FourSquare Mayorship…

Nick Swardson’s Pretend Time

derryX’s respect to Nick Swardson and some new info on Nick Swardson’s Pretend Time

The derryX Look

A derryX attempt at creating a Kristi Gustafson style blog post with a male twist.

Big things are coming

I was away this past weekend on sort of a retreat to visit my parents. On my retreat, I’ve been working on a few things that are to come for this blog in the upcoming week (maybe more). I’ve been in touch with the guys who run MANville, and as mentioned on part 2 of last week’s podcast, I will be on the show presenting a special segment on beers. I’ve actually been spending a lot of money for “research,” and it’s going to be something that everyone, especially beer drinkers, will enjoy. If you subscribe on iTunes now, you’re guaranteed to get it as soon as it’s available. I also spent some time this weekend making a leap backRead More

I need you!

UPDATED!!!! Whatcha gonna do, Brother!? (beta)

So here’s the soft launch of the all-new (thanks to the help and contributions of metalfrog) You’re going to notice things shifting around over the next few days. In fact, if you have any recommendations for advancements I can make to the layout or other improvements to the site, leave me a comment and I will take all recommendations under advisement. Also, if you have me linked on your blog, please update your links, as I will no longer be updating ( is the new URL). Thank you.