Coconut Yoo-Hoo did exist. Lets bring it back!

My cousin Dan and I have some fond memories of Yoo-Hoo. When I was a kid, my dad used to have a deli on 13th avenue in Brooklyn, and he would let me have a Yoo-Hoo every time I went in the store. One weekend, my cousin Dan was staying over, and my dad brought home an entire case of Yoo-Hoo for us. Legend has it that Dan and I finished the whole case in one night. I was 4, and he was 7. This was when Yoo-Hoo came in small 8oz bottles. I’m not justifying two little kids drinking 100 oz of Yoo-Hoo each; I’m just saying they weren’t the wide mouthed 15.5 oz bottles they make now.

So anyway…

Back then, Yoo-Hoo came in 3 flavors, chocolate, strawberry, and coconut. Yes, coconut. Nowadays, when you say Yoo-Hoo, people assume you mean the chocolate stuff, but they do still make strawberry.

Many people don’t believe me that coconut Yoo-Hoo was a real thing. Ohh it was real, and it was awesome!

I only had it a few times in my life, and the first time was also tied to experiences at my dad’s 13th avenue Brooklyn deli. I used to carry bags or boxes to peoples’ cars within a block. One time, the person was nice enough to hand me a buck, and I went into the corner store at the end of the block and decided to not get the candy bar I wanted but instead to get the white colored Yoo-Hoo. It was coconut Yoo-Hoo, and the taste is something I’ll never forget. It wasn’t as rich as chocolate Yoo-Hoo. It actually didn’t have much texture at all. It was very sweet, and the taste of coconut was very obvious, but it was a little thinner than the standard Yoo-Hoo. I loved it, and I begged my dad to get it. I don’t think that he ever did, but coconut Yoo-Hoo and I crossed paths at other points in my life. Just a few points though.

It turns out it was rebranded as Koko Blanco, and was made available in the southern states some time in the mid 2000s. It’s been discontinued now. There’s a petition online to get it back, but I’ll get to that in a minute.

Cousin Dan actually reached out to their customer relations team to find out what the deal was with coconut YooHoo. They promptly responded, and he sent me their response. Here it is in its entirety.


Dear Mr. Papandrea:

Thank you for contacting us about Yoo-Hoo Koko Blanco.  We’re always excited to hear from our consumers. Your comments give us valuable input about our brands and where people want to see them.

Product flavor offerings are introduced based on our knowledge of needs and wants in local markets. We are challenged to sell a large variety of SKU’s in a limited amount of space. We face this space challenge in retail accounts, as well as route trucks and warehouses.  Unfortunately, Yoo-Hoo Koko Blanco is not in production at this time.  We will make sure to express your desire to see the product return to our sales team.

Again, thank you for taking the time to contact us, Dan.  We greatly appreciate your feedback!


Consumer Relations


So yeah, it’s a stock message expressing empty regret, but it sounds like there’s the slightest chance they may open to bringing it back if there’s a demand. I think we can make it happen, but I’m going to need your help. Right now, the petition has 1662 signatures, and the goal of whoever set it up made it 5000. The people I know can’t fill that gap, but if we all rally together and get our friends to spread the word, this could happen.

So I’m going to ask everyone who reads this to sign the petition. Use an email address that you don’t check, for all I care, but please sign it, and get some of your friends to sign it.

If you really want to help, additionally contact consumer relations via their online form. The more the message that people want to try coconut Yoo-Hoo goes around, the better chance there’ll be that they’ll bring it back.

I’m telling you it’s worth the effort!

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    38 thoughts on “Coconut Yoo-Hoo did exist. Lets bring it back!

    • Keith

      Disgusting. Where’s the petition to keep it off the shelves?

        • Keith

          Hey, listen, if this was a petition to bring back the double fudge one, that was like drinking a liquified brownie that felt as though 20 pounds of pure fat were slowly seeping down your throat with each sip, I’d be all about it.

          • derryX

            Haha! I forgot about that one. Maybe we should expand the scope to bring back everything!

          • Chase

            I drink the double fudge one almost everyday where I’m from and I have pictures of seven different flavors of yoo-hoo in Alabama where I live double fudge regular strawberry also chocolate covered strawberry mix chocolate banana mix YooHoo caramel and you who peanut butter and like I said I have pictures of all of the drinks so there’s a a wide variety I guess you could say here but I would love to have a chocolate banana or just banana and would definitely love to have a coconut one so I definitely sign the petition

    • -R.

      Yoo-Hoo. Ugh – I don’t. No “food stuff” on the planet gives me worse gas. Absolutely deadly (to me).

    • ciniabhonee

      coconut yoo hoo was the best, mixes well with hennessy


      Please bring them back , they was soooooo delicious .

    • Ella Mikell

      Coconut yoohoo was delicious my kids and I loved it. It was the perfect kids pepper upper and a great adult mixer. sad that big money majority rules, and the true connoisseurs are thrown from the train.

    • Laura McEachern

      Signed the petition…bring back coconut YooHoo!!!

    • Mike Marler

      I signed the petition and sent yoohoo an email. This was the best flavor they had. Shame they took it off the shelves.

    • terri

      please bring them back

    • Jonathon

      Hi my name is Jonathon in I have had many cocconut yoohoo when I was a kid in I was born in 1991. I got one everyday as my mom took me to daycare and she can also say there was cocconut yoohoo

    • Carolyn Fleming

      It was a great chaser for dark liquor

    • Milton Connelly

      Please guys pretty please if there is an effort to bring back coconut yoo hoo i delightedly avail myself to your cause lending my full aid and assistance

    • jessica david

      I would het a coconut yoohoo and those french burnt nuts everyday after school growin up. I miss them so mych

    • Paul DeAngelo

      Coconut yoo hoo was the best like a cold pina colada w no alcohol but creamier

    • Jeff Solensky

      Nice to see I’m not the only one who remembers and loved it!

    • Melissa

      Coconut yoohoos were the best! I contacted them a few years back as well and got basically the same response if i remember correctly. I know this is a few years old, but i hope you are still trying, it would be well worth it , if they bring it back!


      I LOVED THE COCONUT YOO-HOO!!! Would love to be able to buy them again!! I was just telling someone the other day about them! Please bring them back!!❤

    • Daphne Brooks

      Oh wow this is my first time hearing about a petition for the Yoo-hoo drink I wished I would have known it back then why don’t someone revamp and make this YooHoo coconut drink all over again I used to love Koko Blanco it was the best drink ever why don’t someone put it on YouTube or better yet Facebook for a petition to get this back going again I really miss you

    • Daphne Brooks

      Oh wow I wished I would have known about this back in 2012 about a petition why don’t someone get one another petition going on Facebook or something like that Koko Blanca coconut drink with everything they need to really bring this back again please


      Loved it and still miss it

    • Jeremy W

      I know this thread is older than dirt but I found a very similar product that is still in production. Evergreen Coconut Milk Drink. It’s made in Thailand so you may only be able to find it in your local Asian market. The closest one to me is about an hour and a half away and I go there like once a month and buy a case (it’s completely worth it). It has little chunks of coconut or something in it and the taste isn’t exactly the same but it’s the closest thing I’ve tasted.

      • JBooya

        Mixing bai Molokai Coconut drink with whole milk gets close for me….I too have been chasing this childhood delight and memory for years. I will try the Thai drink you mentioned also.

    • Jim kane

      Miss the coconut drink big time. Used to get 1 (or 2) on the way home. Then started getting a case. Then started ordering 3 cases in advance. Big let down when this was discontinued. I’ve tried almost every type of coconut drink since and they all tase like water – no coconut flavor at all. Bring it back please.

    • Felicia

      My husband loves the coconut so we will sign!!

      • Lileah Johnson

        I wished that coconut you-you would come back…it made the world a little bit better place! BRING IT BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😊PLEASE

    • Joyce

      Bring it back, bring it back, bring it back. When I saw it was disappearing I scoured the Fl Keys, and bought all I could find.

    • Ed

      Bring it back! I grew up in South FL as a kid and had it all the time. Feels weird not being able to find a picture of it online. Makes you feel like you have a fake memory like in movies. lol. Well, I will continue to hold on to the hope it will someday return.

    • Naelasa

      Have been missing this drink. Bring it back!

    • Youwanda Cooper

      Yes please bring back the coconut 🥥 you hoo please please please…


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