The inevitable Osama Bin Laden post

derryX can’t help but talk about the Osama Bin Laden tragedy…

When things stop being real…

derryX talks about the death of kayfabe

derryX introduces dyscipleX

derryX maps out the next trajectory of

Albany Times Union toe-to-toe with World Wrestling Entertainment

derryX stirs the proverbial pots…the IWC and the Albany TU.

How awesome are Kosher Toasted Coconut Marshmallows?

derryX tells you about how amazing kosher marshmallows are…

WWF Superstars: The Ultimate Warrior in a Casket

derryX takes you back to The Funeral Parlor where The Ultimate Warrior almost doesn’t survive…

The Puerto Rico Recap – Day 5

derryX recaps his trip to Puerto Rico – Day 5

The Graveyard Challenge

derryX recounts the experience of trying to take down a graveyard at Wagon Train BBQ…

derryX Rants: What happened to us, man? (Tip Jars)

derryX talks about those cups with change in them that you see everywhere now

The Puerto Rico Recap – Day 4

derryX recaps his trip to Puerto Rico – Day 4