Tag: truestory
You cannot make these up…
When a fortune cookie fortune starts with “Here we go” you know there’s a problem.
Abba Zaba, You my only friend
This is what happens when you sit a bunch of guys in a room with Abba Zaba bars.
“Jerry Awesome”
Learn the true meaning of Jerry Awesome and come see what a Mexican Stretch Buster is.
Is it HPOA or HOPA?
Sorry guys…had to…
I’m the greatest smelling chemist ever!
Even more things you see at my apartment complex
This was behind my building circa 2007. I still don’t know what was going on.
More only in my apartment complex
Can you believe this guy?
A birthday at the Biergarten – July 27, 2010
Re-live (or live for the first time) the wonder that was the time that was had at Biergarten!!
Things only I can find in my apartment building
Let’s discuss…
This is what happens…
…when you let @dompap decorate a cake.