The Wine Bar – Saratoga, NY

derryX tries a Saratoga hot spot…

How I judge pizza…

derryX goes into a little bit about what it’s like to judge pizza and how he does it…

I went to a “Dirty Wedding”…

derryX saw an entire wedding get catered by a food truck…

Bier Abbey – Schenectady, NY

derryX eats and drinks at the bier abbey…

Bill’s Bar and Burgers – New York, NY

derryX has a shake and a burger and more!

Dilmun Cafe – Delmar, NY

derryX stumbles upon a fun little lunch spot…

TJ’s Cafe – Albany, NY

derryX visits a casual Italian-American spot in Albany…

Living la vida pizza

derryX talks about teaching, pizza, DDP Yoga, Slidin’ Dirty, Brilliant Bites, and some other stuff…