The derryX “Live Practically” Steak Sandwich
One Friday, I got ready to eat a healthy portion of steak with nothing on the side. It’s part of my high protein, low carb plan which has led to a great deal of success for me this year. Let me rewind. I follow my plan pretty religiously Monday-Thursday, sometimes Friday. Seven well-timed meals, all protein packed. If you want to eat like derryX, you’re going to have to eat steak
This particular Friday, I had made it to the gym every day from Monday through Friday, so I mentally justified a carb packed meal for myself. Hey, if you don’t allow yourself any leeway, you’re never going to make progress. Of course, you have to do it in moderation.
So I converted the steak into a steak sandwich, a slightly over-the-top steak sandwich.
Every over-the-top sandwich starts with bread. I found an decent looking fresh semolina roll at Price Chopper. I hollowed that sucker out and spread out added a garlic-herb butter (recipe: butter, fresh garlic, oregano, salt, pepper) as well as a nice splash of extra virgin olive oil.
Then I worked on getting my steak ready.
It was already ready. I basically broil up a well-seasoned whole London broil or flank steak and freeze 5-6 oz portions. All I needed to do was reheat one portion (concurrently with the bread in a 400 degree F oven), maybe season it just a touch with salt, pepper, and a splash of extra virgin olive oil.
While this was in the oven, I got my other ingredients ready.

When the bread had a light toast, I threw some mozzarella slices on it, and threw it under the broiler for a couple of seconds.
I laid out the steak onto the bread, and closed the lid.
And I cut it in the oddest fashion I could think to cut it.
It was really great. The mozzarella, a fairly mild cheese, did a great job adhering to both the steak and the bread, making a nice, happy, loosly bound sandwich family. My sandwich is not something that’s overly moist. I didn’t add more than 1/2 tbsp of butter and maybe 1/2 tbsp of olive oil, the steak is a fairly lean cut, and the cheese is has low moisture. I don’t think it needs to be moist. It’s steak on cheesy garlic toast, for God’s sake.
I do enjoy the bread to be hollowed out. It’s not that I was trying to save carbs, because I believe if you’re gonna do it, you gotta do it. I just think the bread to meat ratio would have been way too unbalanced without removing some of the bread. Plus both sides get nicely crisp, not to mention hollowing creates a well that contains the steak, meaning that you wont squeeze the steak out of the other side when you take a bite. You know, like when you bite into a burger and it flies out of the back of the bun.
So, if you’re trying to eat the way I eat, and are sick of eating just steak, make yourself a sandwich.
Live practically.