derryX introduces dyscipleX

One of my goals from starting this blog has been to mold a young mind into pursuing their own dreams to write, mainly on the blogging platform. You can catch up on the saga that was Xprotege by reading this (I’m not going into it here). Xprotege and I are still in touch, but the professional relationship is gone.

I took a short break from this goal, but, in the past 2 weeks, a new student has come forward. After a number of emails and Skype chats with this individual, we both decided that our goals are aligned and that working together might be something that we can both benefit from.

Without further ado, I present to you my new co-worker, dyscipleX !!! (yes, I had the Xprotege twitter account renamed. But you should have been following that already, right?)

He and I have decided that we’re going to continue the anonymity of the position. In this regard, the mask that was chosen is a very deliberate choice and reference. dyscipleX also chose that his catchphrase be “Remember, remember the 6th of November,” which I agreed was perfect. The idea for the name change was actually his, and I also liked the style of this.

You’re going to find out little bits and pieces about dyscipleX as he writes posts for you, but here are some of the only facts we’re going to come right out and tell you.

  • dyscipleX is older than Xprotege.
  • dyscipleX went to college in the Capital District of NY.
  • dyscipleX and I have had some differences in the past.
  • dyscipleX loves karaoke.
  • dyscipleX has somehow written for The Albany Times Union.
  • dyscipleX has some experience writing in some capacity.

His first post is coming later this week, and, from the early tidbits I’ve been hearing from him, he’s coming out of the gate strong!


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