New Ventures

So I have two announcements that you are going to think aren’t really announcements at all. Unfortunately, I can’t give you any more information on them than I am about to. All I can say is that you’ll have to watch my blog and/or twitter.

  1. I’ve been asked to participate in a project that is sure to take what I do to the next level. In upcoming weeks, look for some fairly major announcements from me and many others…
  2. I have started what I’m calling “Operation: nWo.” I started it yesterday and continued today with an overhaul of the layout of the blog just this morning. You’ll say, “wait derry, it looks the same.” I’ve changed the way categories and tags are handled, and included an easier to navigate menu bar to the top of the blog; nothing major, but it’s the little touches that make the difference, right? The rest of the details of this project will be disseminated over the course of the next few months. Keep your eye on the blog/twitter and be sure to click the “Operation: nWo” tab at the top if you want to read all posts relating to this.


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